Why Am I Running?
Locally, I believe our strongest asset is our residents. We can be proud of what is being accomplished by volunteers. The economy is, hopefully, on the rebound. Our Borough employees were able to keep all the basic services flowing during covid. Our school was in session most of the time which is a major and wonderful accomplishment. Our businesses were able to keep products on the shelves. Our hospital staff, along with public health and borough emergency staff, kept supplies coming. Yet, despite all the collective community efforts and resulting success there is major divisiveness.
That brings me to the meat "Why I Am Running". I would like a chance to help facilitate change that represents our collective community interests. I certainly don't have all the answers but I do have many years of experience that I can bring to the table to help steer us toward reasoned solutions. While I am of the older generation, I want more involvement of our younger people to help move us to a community they want. I have the skills and desire to move us ahead. That is why I chose the theme--
"Working Together For the Future of Our Borough"
Leading and guiding requires knowledge of the issues; meeting with residents; talking with staff and sometimes doing a dumpster-dive into the details of a truly divisive and complex issue. I'm willing to spend the time necessary to make good decisions.
I enjoy hearing residents and Borough employees talk about and take pride in their accomplishments. We have a community of diverse interests with a strong desire to makes things happen. Sometimes it's best to stay out of the way, supplement when needed and watch the results.
I want to foster strong, positive relationships among our hospital, our school, our Borough, and our Chamber. We will be stronger as a community if we support one another. Sometimes we will not agree and for sure not all of the funding needs will be met. However, discussion and understanding of the different roles and needs bring us closer to solutions.
What can you expect from me? Together we can move forward and make a Borough we can all be proud of. I'm willing to spend the time to help facilitate dialogue on issues, support active involvement in the community, and advocate for our Borough. We have opportunities available now that were not possible a year ago to help improve our well being through upgrade and adding to our infrastructure. We need to be in a position to take advantage of the opportunities coming forward. We have needs at our school and our hospital. Let's get those needs in the mix. This has the potential to save our local rate payers money because it allows the Borough to compete for funding through stimulus programs at the State and Federal levels.
Currently, we have more involvement in all aspects of government. Hopefully, I will have an opportunity to help bring some of the ideas to fruition.
Again, That is why I chose the theme--
"Working Together For the Future of Our Borough"
I would appreciate your vote.
"Looking into the Future"